Post by john ashbyPost by KosmoPost by ChrisPost by Rosie MitchellGrace Archer's best friend, Ysanne Churchman, caught on the long on
boundary going for her century and falling one short. Not heading for
the flames I hope.
Not only Grace but Alpha Centauri, the squeaky-voiced giant eyeball from
Pertwee era Who.
Jennifer Archer,
Grace Archer,
Barbara Drury,
Joan Ilverton,
Jocelyn Page,
Mary Pound.
Never heard of Barbara, Joan or Jocelyn
Mrs McT
Barbara, wife of PC Colin and glad when he was promoted and they could
go back to living in town.
I suspect most of the parts were written with her in mind to make up for
the opening of ITV.
POI asked me lasy night if I remembered Grace. I had to (gently) point
out to her that I was only two days old at the time of the fire. These
young things, eh?
I was nearly five - so almost just alive - and I remember hearing the
original broadcast but I don't remember that music they played when
they broadcast the excerpt on the radio news last night.
To be honest, although The Archers was being listened to in those days
by my parents, it was mostly just ambient background noise to me and I
was only really aware of it when something dramatic took my attention
such as the Grace-burning or Tom Forrest's altercation with the
poacher. How much else percolated into my subconscious at the time, I
suppose I'll never know.